Best LED Grow Lights Reviewed 2014 - 2015
Best LED Grow Lights Reviewed 2014 - 2015
Are you looking for a grow light? Choosing the right LED grow lights for your setup will guarantee the best chance of success. While getting the right fertilizers / nutrients, fancy hydroponic setups, CO2 supplementation and environmental controls will help maximize your yield, without the right light your plants won't be able to grow as well or at all. Getting the best LED grow lights is important to get the best results from your plants.
According to Heavy T's Grow Show Test Results
Thousands of growers looking for the most up to date information about the world of indoor gardening tune into the expert advice of Heavy T and his panel of expert gardeners each week. The Heavy T Grow show, a 3 hour weekly radio program is the definitive source for indoor gardening information and product reviews. There are phone in questions from listeners and answers from a panel of various expert guests making for an interesting program and offering advice for beginner growers as well as the most advanced subjects being covered. They offer unbiased reviews and cover everything soil and hydroponic as well as other novel methods of indoor gardening. Their panel of experts have combined decades of experience both in gardening and the industry that surrounds it. The panels knowledge is unsurpassed by any other specialty indoor gardening forum and the experts that regularly join the show only further enhance the quality of the information.
Heavy T put out a challenge to any LED company that wanted to take on traditional HID lighting in a head to head. Heavy T went on to explain that every person he met from an LED company other than Black Dog LED always promises to send a light for testing but they never actually send anything other than excuses. Fast forward a couple years to 2012 when Black Dog LED got wind of the challenge and immediately stepped up to the test.
Black Dog LED sent a BD700 for the test which lasted over 5 months and spanned two complete flowering cycles. Prior to any results, the grower, and especially Heavy T, both thought the LED would fail based on their own previous experience. When the results finally came in all the doubters had to eat their words. Black Dog LED not only came in with higher quality but also flat out beat the competition! AND, to date NO other LED company has stepped up to the Heavy T challenge, making BDL the only proven light to publicly compete with HID lighting!
What about the second round you ask? The expert grower really got the hang of the LED lights and took off to the races. This time he beat his personal all time record after 10 years of growing the same genetics with HID. He was sold and to prove the point he later bought the very light he tested with since he could not bring himself to return it after the test was over.
Heavy T declared LED a truly viable technology for indoor gardening and praised Black Dog LED for stepping up to the challenge and proving in an open forum that their claims of being better than HID are in fact real and Black Dog LED is the best and only LED light they have tested that they can recommend!
Heavy T’s Grow Show -
Listen as a caller asks the Heavy T team about buying a LED UFO during the 8/15 show. Horti Kris explains how LED failed to perform in the past but that their tests with the Black Dog LED not only matched up but beat HID head to head in both yield and quality.
You can download the mp3 by clicking here.Heavy T’s Grow Show -
The head to head trial may be over for the Heavy T Grow Show but they keep on spreading great knowledge about indoor gardening, including this little excerpt from their 7/25 show where Heavy T gives his opinion on LED growlights. Definitely worth the listen. Of course the whole three hours is worth the listen but of course this is our favorite.
You can download the mp3 by clicking here.Heavy T’s Grow Show -
Heavy T’s Grow Show's long-term trial of Black Dog LED BD700-F. In this episode, the expert grower gives his final results (yield and quality) and his assessment. If you want to listen to it, make sure you're ready to hear Heavy T say they knew this day would come and Black Dog LED brought that day!
You can download the mp3 by clicking here.Heavy T's Grow Show -
Heavy T's Grow Show's long-term trial of Black Dog LED BD700-F. In this episode, they share a full, live update on growing with the Black Dog LED grow light.
You can download the mp3 by clicking here.Heavy T's Grow Show -
Heavy T's Grow Show's long-term trial of Black Dog LED BD700-F. In this episode, they share their first update on growing with the BD700-F LED growlight after roughly three weeks of actual growing.
You can download the mp3 by clicking here.Heavy T's Grow Show -
Heavy T's Grow Show's long-term trial of Black Dog LED BD700-F. In this episode, they break the news that Black Dog LED has accepted their challenge, which asked for any LED grow light company to loan them a light for testing.
You can download the mp3 by clicking here.